5 Critical Features for a Fantastic Mobile App Experience


Go Native


Native software is software that is made specifically for the platform on which it is housed. A native app is an app that is––to put it simply––designed to be an app. Compatible with both iOS and android, native apps work faster and more seamlessly than their hybrid counterparts. With a native app your content loads quickly and reliably, and your users are able to navigate naturally.


The Bottom Line: Being fully native helps your app load quickly and allows your customer to navigate with ease.

Learn more about how your team can leverage a native app here.


Fast Registration


Seamlessness of registration can make or break the consumer experience before browsing even begins. Creating a registration process that’s fast, intuitive, and non-disruptive is essential for maintaining interest.


The Bottom Line: The faster the customer gets in, the faster (and happier) they’re shopping.



Excellent Visuals


Even on a mobile app, consumers expect image quality to be superb. Underbaked images are distracting and don’t serve to correctly convey the product. Being sure to showcase the product as accurately as possible is an important starting point for any mobile app. Integrating a 360-view and an easy-to-navigate image carousel allow the user to get a fully formed visual of your ecommerce offerings.


The Bottom Line: An accurate, quality product gallery is a must-have for a great user experience.


Rewards Options


Your customer-base who has made the step to download your mobile app is already actively engaging with your content. Use this opportunity to nurture mobile app users with loyalty programs and rewards that incentivize purchases and encourage engagement. Avoid overwhelming the consumer with too many offerings and notifications but craft a thoughtful loyalty program that honors them and keeps them coming back.


The Bottom Line: Incentivize an already warm consumer-base with rewards inside your app.


Native Checkout


At the finish line of purchase, it’s essential that consumers have an undisturbed checkout experience. Native checkout facilitates a one-step checkout process. That means no re-entering information––it’s all stored right there in the app. Each time your customer returns to the app and is ready to make a purchase, their wish will be granted with just a touch of a button.


The Bottom Line: One finger, one-step checkout means one less barrier to purchase.
Request a demo of the best mobile app ecommerce experience here.


[image by Towfiqu barbhuiya]

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