App Clips: The What the Why and the How


Why app clips?


Have you ever been in immediate need of an app, stuck waiting for your download to complete? Maybe you’re trying to pay for parking, order food, or just make a quick purchase.

We don’t always have the time (or the cellular service) to get that full version app download. Thankfully, there’s an emerging solution: app clips.

App clips allow the user to download a nugget-sized version of an app. With an app clip, consumers can view content and even make purchases through apple pay––all before committing to the full download.


How does it work?


Rather than living in the app store, app clips exist where they are needed. You can access them via QR codes (à la restaurant menu), in your map app, or through links in your messages.

That means there’s no fuss of searching for the right app. App clips are designed for directness and immediacy.

Your code will take you right to the app clip where you can browse content, input your food order, rent your scooter, or do whatever it is you came to do.

Unlike full version apps, app clips do not live on your home screen, but are hidden from view until you might need them again.


What makes a great app clip?


In simple terms, an app clip should deliver only what the user urgently needs. The name of the game is simple and fast.

An app clip should be ultra-easy to navigate and offer a streamlined experience. With an app clip, the user should not be required to enter information, but needs to be able to make purchases instantly.

Only what’s necessary, none of the fluff.


How do app clips benefit retailers?


It’s clear that app clips offer convenience for users, but why are they so important for retailers?

Firstly, app clips ensure that no customer is lost in the process of waiting for the app to download or the frustration of inputting information. When the consumer is ready to purchase, the purchase is ready for them.

Next, by making downloads available out in the real world rather than just through searching the app store, more users are introduced to the app organically.

An added pandemic-era bonus is that consumers can make contactless purchases all through their phones–that means no transfer of credit cards or cash.

But here’s the ultimate app clip advantage: By exposing your consumer to a bite-sized version of your app you encourage full-version downloads. It’s the try-before-you-buy version of apps.

In a landscape where iPhone storage and home screen space are semi-precious, your users are able to experience your app before they make the commitment. More positive, seamless exposure means more downloads––means more invested consumers.

Want to learn more about how your company can integrate an app into your ecommerce strategy? Request a demo here.


[image by Dan-Cristian Pădureț]


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